Kiss of Bliss was interviewed by the Bridal Guide of the Sun Newspaper on September 6, 2017.
Kiss of Bliss was featured on TLC Four Weddings back in 2013. We are honored to have had the opportunity to work closely with the show and promote our services. We look forward to continuing our relationship once the show resumes production and share our brides on future episodes.
SJSB was founded by Alissa Giangiulio in 2014. The group of new small business owners met weekly to collaborate and find ways to build their new businesses. The group had over 15 members at one time. The networking group consisted of one of each genre in the wedding industry. In 2014, Alissa organized a bridal blender/show hosted by the group in Medford New Jersey. Alissa has high hopes that the group will continue to meet again in the future.
Kiss of Bliss is everywhere!!! Who puts drag racing and wedding/event planning together? We do! Thank you to Brian, manager of the “All Out Live” event at Atco Raceway for putting us right in the Pit-Stop.
Kiss of Bliss featured in Glamour Magazine!